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Joel Taylor


English Language and Literature, Content Writing, Copywriting, Copy Editing


Bachelor of Arts majoring in English Literature, Media and Writing, and Film Studies from the University of Cape Town


Joel Taylor uses his education and skills in research, content writing, and editing to create content for diverse topics that are easy to read and understand. Research and writing from different points of view formed the basis of his bachelor’s degree, and he has learned to carry the developed skills into the articles he has written for various companies in different niches, including finance, blockchain, decentralised finance, and more.

Quote From Joel Taylor

Being an avid lover of storytelling, Joel has been working on a fantasy novel set in an imagined universe for over half a decade and dreams of becoming a bestselling author.

About DeFipedia's Editorial Process

At DeFipedia, our expert team of writers and editors demystify and explains Decentralized Finance, how it works, and how to capitalize on its growth potential. Experienced traders and professionals fact-check our content to ensure relevance and accuracy. We only source content from reputable sites and research institutions and cite it where applicable. Our content is rigorously reviewed before publication and upon considerable updates. Check out our editorial process to learn what we do to deliver you the quality content you can count on.

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