What are the costs involved in running node projects?
Asked 2 years ago
I work on a strict budget when running projects. What are the costs involved in running node projects?
Erich Santana
Thursday, July 28, 2022
You require 125 gigabytes of free disk space, 2 gigabytes of memory, a broadband internet connection with a minimum upload speed of 400 kilobits per second, and a connection with excellent download limits to run a Bitcoin node. Generally, Bitcoin nodes use 200 gigabytes of upload or more per month and download almost 20 gigabytes per month.
Now, running a Bitcoin node with a standard computer, like a Lenovo T440 Thinkpad, will cost you 48kwh daily or 175.2kwh annually. This translates to $3.74 per month or $45.55 per year for electricity costs alone.
If you host it on Amazon Web Services, it will cost you approximately $20.43 per month. These costs are generally reasonable compared to the returns node operators earn. Apart from the returns, you will be increasing the blockchain’s decentralization aspect and ensuring it is available worldwide.
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